Explorer Leader Henrietta Honoured for First Aid Actions

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When Henrietta, leader at Trident Explorers, set out on a walk near her home, she had no idea what was about to happen.

But, when she came across an elderly gentleman who had collapsed on the street and was unresponsive, she didn’t hesitate.

Using her First Aid training, she quickly assessed the situation, sent a bystander to fetch a nearby public-access Automated External Defibrillator (AED), and began performing CPR. At least fifteen minutes later, paramedics arrived and took over his care.

Prepared to do good

Thanks to Henrietta’s quick thinking and confidence, the patient received the urgent medical attention he needed. Since then, Henrietta has been honoured with a certificate from the Royal Humane Society, presented at an Explorer evening, in recognition of her inspiring efforts.

Another leader at her Explorers Unit, Trident, said they felt “it was important to show the Explorers first hand that First Aid is not just an abstract concept”.

“Henrietta is the definition of a devoted Scout Leader and her Explorer Scouts already think she is ‘the best’. But this award has made those Explorers regard her in another light. It was all they could talk about when they found out what she’d done.

"I am a Leader with Trident Explorers too, but I am also a District First Aid instructor. It is sobering to know that one of my instructor colleagues will have taught Henrietta what to do that day. Very sobering indeed. The hardest thing to do in a situation like this is to overcome the reluctance to act in the immediacy of coming upon it. However, not only did Henrietta do that without hesitation but she was ‘Prepared’ to do a great job of what she did too!”

David, Scout volunteer

Trident Explorer Scout Unit.

This award stands as a true testament to her bravery, selflessness, and ability to remain composed in a high-stakes situation and will hopefully be presented to her in a more formal ceremony by the Mayor of Winchester on the 13th of March.

Her story is a powerful reminder that First Aid is not just a theoretical skill but a practical ability that can be needed at any moment - even during a simple walk.

The bystander effect

Henrietta’s actions underscore the vital importance of immediate bystander intervention. Before she arrived, two men had independently stopped to assist and called an ambulance while the patient was still responsive. However, by the time help was on the way, the man had lost consciousness.

One of the men said he had considered performing CPR but didn’t feel capable. According to NHS England, “survival decreases by 10% for every minute defibrillation is delayed, but CPR can increase the chance of survival two-to-three fold.”

Her quick thinking demonstrates the impact of preparation and training and emphasises the value of First Aid education which can empower more people to step up with confidence when it matters most. Well done, Henrietta!

For those interested in learning more, training sessions (Module K for Young Leaders and Module 10 A/B for Leaders) can be accessed via the county website. Sections can also run First Aid evenings to help young people progress toward their next Emergency Aid badge.

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