Brave Charlotte has hair cut for Scout HQ improvements

Home / News / Brave Charlotte has hair cut for Scout HQ improvements 

A Scout Activity Centre which is in desperate need of a new boiler is one step closer to having one installed – thanks to the selfless fundraiser made by a young person who regularly uses the facility.

Charlotte, a young person who attends the 8th Branshill (Frogmore and Darby Green) Scout Group who meet at the centre, made the brave decision to have her hair chopped recently - all in aid to raise money for the new heating system.

Setting herself the target of £500, the JustGiving page has already received more than £800 worth of donations.

Jane-Louise Dippie, an adult volunteer at the group, says she is bursting with pride for what Charlotte has achieved.

She said: “I am so very proud to say that not only is this young lady an amazing person, she is one of my Scouts. Charlotte took a seat and prepared to have her hair cut in aid of raising money for our boiler fund. 

“Fundraising hasn't been easy with Covid-19 and all the related limitations and problems that it has dragged along with it. 

“However, this didn't deter Charlotte one little bit as she had tirelessly campaigned and advertised all over social media that this was happening.”

The event, which was streamed live on the group's closed Facebook forum, saw much engagement and encouragement from parents who were inspired by Charlotte’s efforts too.

The 56cm length of Charlotte’s hair will be sent to The Little Princess Trust who produce wigs for children with cancer.

Before lockdown, another member of the group – Kayleigh – also had her hair cut for the Trust. Other people, like the lead volunteer for the group, had done a similar fundraiser too.

By Sam Poole

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