Mini Explorer Belt Success for Skills

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Explorer Scouts, our 14-18 year old youth section, offers adventures and chances to explore among our top awards. One, the Explorer Belt, is an international expedition in a new country completing challenges as they go. All of that needs practice and skills.

So the participants of the upcoming Explorer Belt trip to Denmark have undertaken a mini expedition this weekend to practice the skills for life they'll need. They travelled all around the Solent region of Hampshire vis foot, bus, train and all while completing a long list of challenges.

Challenges included wearing a traffic cone, visiting a host of places, taking pictures with certain people or objects, making a human pyramid, buying lunch on a very tight budget or finding a match with the leader team. Honestly, the list of challenges is exhausting in their own right!

For some, the highlights of the weekend included a trip up the Spinnaker Tower, or picturing the whole team upside down. What about two other Explorers?

I really enjoyed our mini explorer belt. I was with a great group of people who supported me throughout the weekend.

It was great to get a feel of what it will be like for us out in Denmark, having to navigate for ourselves, book our own transport, find our own routes, and buy our own food. I feel we were given a sense of independence you don’t get on any other camp/project and it was amazing!

Tash Duff

My favourite part from this weekend was when my team (Asgard) and another team (Fenrir) bumped into each other at a park in Southampton, we then decided it would be a good idea to build a massive human pyramid to try and earn as many points as possible. After many attempts and multiple falls, we did succeed in staying upright.

It was so nice to meet so many people and be given independence to do what we want and was a great sneak peek into what the actual expedition is going to be like! This weekend has defiantly made me 100x more excited for the trip in a few weeks. 

Libby Roy

They are leaving to complete their Explorer Belt in just 3 weeks time! Find out more about Explorers at our page.

Text: Steven Osborn, Chloe Foster, Tash Duff, Libby Roy

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